Resource Library

CMCoord Support to Protection

Guidance Note on CMCoord Support to Protection Outcomes

The Civil-Military Coordination Service (CMCS), with support from OAD/PAPS, developed a Guidance Note on CMCoord Support to Protection Outcomes. The Guidance Note describes actions which OCHA’s CMCoord Officers and Focal Points can take in contributing to protection outcomes at a country level. The Note also describes the role of OCHA’s CMCS at HQ level in supporting protection outcomes. 

The areas of CMCoord Tasks in support of protection outcomes are defined as: 1) Analysis, 2) Dialogue, 3) Advocacy, 4) Capacity Building and 5) Planning and Preparedness. 

Find the Guidance Note here.

Click here for a visual summary of the note.

CMCoord Support to Access

Relevant Documents


UN-CMCoord Handbooks

UN-CMCoord Field Handbook (2018)

Rev. 2.0

[English] [Spanish] [French] [Arabic] 

82. UN-CMCoord Field Handbook.pdf

UN-CMCoord Field Handbook

Rev. 1.0

[English], [French], [Spanish], [Arabic], [Russian], [Chinese]

Guide for the Military v2.pdf

Humanitarian Civil Military Coordination - A Guide for the Military 

Version 2.0 (June 2017)

[English] [Arabic] [Spanish] [French]

Version 1.0 (July 2014)

[French], [Spanish], [Arabic], [Russian], [Chinese]

UN-CMCoord Guidelines and Publications

UN-CMCoord Operational Guidance for Appropriate Interaction with Armed Actors in the Context of COVID-19 (March 2020)

Please click here for print versions in French, Arabic and Spanish.

Recommended Practices for Effective Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination of FMA in Natural and Man-Made Disasters Version 1.0.pdf

Recommended Practices for Effective Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination of Foreign Military Assets (FMA) in Natural and Man-Made Disasters

(September 2018) 


2007-11-01 Oslo Guidelines_Use of Foreign Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief.pdf

Guidelines on the Use of Foreign Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief – “Oslo Guidelines”

Rev. 1.1 (November 2007) 

[English], [French], [Spanish], [Arabic], [Russian], [Chinese]

83. Civil Military Guidelines and Reference for Complex Emergencies.pdf

Civil-Military Guidelines and Reference for Complex Emergencies 

(November 2014)

[English], [French]

Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets to Support United Nations Humanitarian Activities in Complex Emergencies – MCDA Guidelines.pdf

Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets to Support United Nations Humanitarian Activities in Complex Emergencies – “MCDA Guidelines” 

Rev. 1 (January 2006)

[English], [French], [Spanish], [Arabic], [Russian], [Chinese]

Civil-Military Relationship in Complex Emergencies- IASC Reference Paper.pdf

Civil-Military Relationship in Complex Emergencies- "IASC Reference Paper" 

(June 2004)

[English], [French], [Spanish], [Arabic], [Russian], [Chinese]

FINAL Chapter - Gudelines on the Use of Armed Escorts.pdf

IASC Non-Binding Guidelines on the use of Armed Escorts for Humanitarian Convoys 

(February 2013) 

[English], [French]

UN-CMCoord Guidance Papers

Working Paper HNS4D v.1.0.pdf

Working Paper on HNS4D v. 1.0

Copy of Last Resort Pamphlet.pdf

Foreign Military and Civil Defence Assets in Support of Humanitarian Emergency Operations - What is Last Resort? 

(April 2012)



UN-CMCoord as Auxiliary to Humanitarian Access, Protection and Security

(July 2017)


141020 Civ-Mil Guidance Ebola Crisis v 1.0.pdf

Civil-Military Guidance on Ebola Crisis

UN-CMCoord Country Specific Guidance

Ethiopia: Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination Guidance

(March 2019) [English]

Sudan: Minimum Operating Standards (MOS) for Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination

(May 2018) [English]

North East Nigeria: UN-CMCoord Guidance

(April 2018) [English]

CAR: Country Specific Guidelines for Civil-Military Coordination between Humanitarian Actors and MINUSCA in the Central African Republic

(October 2017) [Arabic]

IRAQ: Country specific humanitarian civil-military coordination guidelines 

(November 2015) [English]


Civil-Military Background Readings

Re-assessing the Civil-Military Coordination Service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

The Brown University and the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies published a report on the Strategic Re-assessment of CMCS. These findings and recommendations are based on OCHA and partners’ perspectives, which have been collected through in-presence and online collective meetings, as well as bilateral interviews, and complemented by desk research. 

Please find the report here

COVID-19 Response: Resource Library

Please find here a compilation of OCHA and humanitarian partners' guidance and publications on CMCoord, Access, Protection and COVID-19.