Humanitarian Networks and Partnership Week 2024
29 April - 10 May 2024

Session Summary
Session 1: Update on CMCoord Policies and Guidance (Session lead: CMCS)
Session 2: Practical Measures for Armed Actors to Prevent and Mitigate Conflict-Induced Food Insecurity (Session lead: Interaction)
Session 3: Strengthening the Protection of Civilians: Addressing specific challenges to humanitarian access in contexts where explosive weapons are being used in populated areas (EWIPA) (Session lead: PAPS)
Session 4: Building on military practice to strengthen the protection of civilians in armed conflict (PAPS/ CMCS)
Session 5: Adapting UN-CMCoord to new settings (CMCS)
Session 6: Humanitarian Access: Assessing the effectiveness of access approaches (PAPS/ CMCS)
Session 7: UN-CMCoord and Mis/ Dis-Information & hate speech (CMCS)
Session 8: Practical considerations for civil-military interaction during outbreaks & public health emergencies (Brown University)